Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Goal:In what ways do I facilitate distance learning students through professional development opportunities?

Action Plan

Step 1: Research various workshop offered at other universities and software used.
Time line: Start – July 2010/ End – October 2010
Resources needed: On line resources, Colleagues at other institutions, Professional memberships
Evaluate: Keep file of information and of the data found

Step 2: Talk to distance education about utilizing resources
Time line: Start – August 2010/End – October 2010
Resources needed:Distance education staff
Evaluate:Information gathered from action step one
Make record of notes from meetings and follow-up emails.

Step 3: Send Survey’s to employers where our students need assistance.
Time line: Start – August 2010/ End – September 2010
Resources needed:Assistance of Director, Survey Monkey and Interfase systems
Evaluate:Look at results of survey and make notes on workshops

Step 4:. Build Workshops utilizing new software
Time line: Start – August 2010/ End – October 2010 -Career Center Staff
Resources needed: Blackboard, Adobe Connect, and Captive
Evaluate:Take notes on what works and what doesn’t

Step 5: Track the number of students using the workshops.
Time line: Start – August 2010/ End – November 2010
Resources needed: Blackboard, Adobe Connect and Captive
Evaluate:Compile the data in a spreadsheet

Step 6: Survey students that have sat through on-line workshops and Compare to surveys from traditional workshops
Time line: Start – August 2010/ End – December 2010
Resources needed: Survey Monkey, Interfase systems
Evaluate:Build chart to show what students are utilizing from both on-line and traditional to show how we can better facilitate their needs.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great that you are including distance learning students. They are sometimes lacking the majority of services traditional students get on campus. I think this will make them feel more included!
